19 September1999 hewat@ill.fr

Roxburgh Church Ministers (1569-present)

The Minister or Moderator of the Roxburgh Kirk at the time of the 1727 Heuitt Bussiness was John Pollock. Here he is described in the Statistical Account by one of his successors, Andrew Bell at the end of the 1790's ; Bell served immediately after Barbara (Hogg) Hewat's brother Robert Hogg. Pollock's predecessor, Robert Brown, was also an interesting character, and helps us understand the need for a more Authoritarian and Protestant Minister.

Mr Brown was removed from his his kirk in the year 1715... The ground of process against Mr Brown is said to have been a charge of disloyalty, which arose chiefly from his drinking the Pretender's health at Kelso, in company with the rebel army. This, it is said, he did with no ill intention, but simply thinking thereby to please Mackintosh, the rebel commander, and thus recover a horse the rebels had stolen from him.

James Beaton 1569
James Beaton 1579
William Wemyss 1608
William Rollock MA 1634 - 1639
William Wemyss MA 1641 -1658
John Hallyburton MA 1660 - 1671
John Dalgleish 1673 -1683
John Ker MA 1683 - 1689
John Dalgleish MA 1690 - 1696
Robert Brown MA 1702 -1717
John Pollock 1718 -1734
Robert Hogg 1735 -1781
Andrew Bell 1781 - 1819

James Hope 1819 -1843
William Lee DD 1843 - 1875
David Paul MA 1876 -1896
Henry Mathers BA LLB LLD 1897 - 1934
Peter Bryce Gunn 1934 - 1950
Fraser I MacDonald 1950 - 1957
Cyril McK. Martin OBE RE 1957 - 1961
WilliamThompson MA 1961-to date

Alan William Hewat (hewat@ill.fr)